Do you know what are the most difficult levels in Candy Crush Saga?
When I first started playing I couldn’t imagine playing the same level for weeks at a time .No it seems normal to me and I do love the challenge and being able to master a skill.
One of the things about Candy Crush that I do like is that it is well thought out and makes sense. The Learning curve of mastering Candy Crush technique is built into the game. And yes, I did just use the phrase ” Candy Crush technique” with a straight face.
Here is a list of what are considered the hardest and most difficult levels in Candy Crush, what do you think? What level did you play that almost made you almost give up?
Level 29:This is likely the first board that makes you go “Hmmmmmmm”
Level 33:This was the fist time I contemplated buying some kind of booster. ( I didn’t and still haven’t by the way. )
Level 92:Learning how to move ingredients became very key in the board. You can cheat a bit and roll the board but eventually you have to learn how to maneuver ingredients to optimal placement.
Level 97:This level really freaked me out. I HATE the candy bombs.
Level 252:Many people have trouble with this one- sometimes I think ending this level is harder than anything