

Do you play CONTRACT KILLER 2? Well ,here are some tips for you to play well.

Go for headshot every single time. If you can hit an enemy's head, it's lights out.

Don't worry about purchasing whole new weapons if you can help it - just focus on upgrading the ones you already have.

Take out as many bad guys as you can using stealth, for it'll ensure you're not shot at for a longer period of time, and give you more health to use up when things do start to get hectic.

Clash of Clans-Funny game

Clash of Clans is a great game(free in 9game.)Here I want to share my layout of this game with you.


This features of this layout

1、set the fire: the array of firepower concentrated, worse than crab array, several of the most important firepower output (Hell tower, electrical tower, Liannu) are all in the center, covering the boot path.

Meanwhile outside the tower and fort also covers the central area. The center has reached unprecedented firepower. This is rarely seen in other formation.

2、Boot: Build boot stream inside, interior troops entering the drainage, so that the center of the fire area to play the biggest role. Four sides of the square guided bombs.

3、symmetry: the four directions are symmetrical, the newly added mortar reinforced by this symmetry.

4、the conservation of resources: several libraries are all in the inner, center and surrounded by layers of covering fire. Cock wire is difficult to go after the other stream in, can easily be wiped out.


FAQs of My Talking Tom

My Talking Tom is a very interseting game.Here are some FAQs for you to play well in this game.

Q: how to send your cat to sleep in

A:After all that eating and playing, you cat needs plenty of rest. Here's a tip to make this boring task pass more quickly. Anytime you go off to do something other than play the game, head to the bed section and bag some shut-eye while you're absent. You must make sure you turn the light switch off by tapping on the lampshade though - if you don't, your cat won't go to sleep.

Q:how to redecorate your kitchen in My Talking Tom.

A:To give your kitchen a new makeover, tap on the shopping trolley icon, and then tap on the word Kitchen. From here you can change the wallpaper, blinds, refrigerator type and tablecloth. These are only cosmetic changes, so you might want to spend your hard-earned coins elsewhere at first. Certain items only become available when you've reached a certain level, so keep checking back to see what you can switch around.

Q:how to change your cat's name in My Talking Tom.

A:Sadly, you can't change your cat's name once you've selected one at the start of the game, so make absolutely sure you're happy with the once you've chosen.


The dragon of Clash of Clans

In Clash of Clans, dragon  is the most used arms. Dragon tactics have three keywords: Split, shields, concentrating.

First: split

1. if you want to pit the dragon, the dragon is the best diversion, sub dragon array truth and anti-pig array is a reason.

To make four dragon-shaped outer back around, central air defense sit back, but the same array and anti-pig sacrificed to some extent on the ground resistance. Since the sub-array of advantages and disadvantages of the Dragon obvious loophole to lure people to leave with a dragon.

2. if not minutes long array, the building also has some sub-segments dragon effect, if no interval antiaircraft surrounding buildings connected but the four walls of the air defense was a wall around or stay neutral, no more words will be around long runaway buildings, sometimes we'll see two dragons coming up but not playing air defense air defense.

Second: the shield

Shield refers to high blood building antiaircraft ago. Must, necessarily, be sure to let Big and black tank play a role, followed by six library buildings away from the remaining non-anti-rocket, build a peripheral guide.

Big general antiaircraft rocket caught in the middle, the standard formation of three air defense around 120 degrees each Big, Big Three are within range air defense. Big single dragon attack to be 21 seconds or more, and air defense to kill the dragon to be 10 seconds, so the triangular array of air defense, playing Big Ben will have to lower violent.

Eight of the tribal warrior black outer tanks and air defense coverage placed outside the library, just like the League bias, is not qualified formation.

Third: concentrating

Antiaircraft rocket is the main air defense forces, but does not refer to three rocket concentrating concentration, if not long enough in advance diversion, three rockets near the same area but very dangerous.

Do not underestimate the firepower concentrated refers tower power tower, the tower of eight of the 65 attacks, six air defense is 230, there are tower near the air defense, air defense is almost equal to your rose 7 !!

Electrical tower overflow attack is also good and less, but unfortunately short-range, can hide Big edge when trying to knock Big Dragon discharge. In short, under the cover of the aforementioned high blood shield seeks maximum output, is the anti-Dragon Road.

Build the most favorable light spear not, even after hiding in the strongest shield. I measured before, four full blood fury dragon, even without considering the time required to move, there are also difficult to overcome Big League Long black tank and air defense protection of double double double tower power tower.




For starters, the game has a female protagonist. Say what you will about her perfectly sculpted backside and questionable post apocalyptic attire, but it's nice to see a heroine step into the spotlight, as it offers a welcome break from all the gun-toting dudes. 

Aside from visual aesthetics, however, Evelyn doesn't necessarily benefit from character development, which is fine. The focus was put squarely on blasting zombies to pieces, and with that being said, Contract Killer Zombies 2 delivers this visceral experience and then some.

In fact, zombie's heads explode, their limbs fall off and their bodies spew gallons of blood with a well-placed shotgun blast. You'll definitely get some kicks from walking up to the shambling horde and laying waste to these flesh eaters using assault rifles, dual machine guns and even exotic weapons like a bazooka. Of course, if you prefer to get up close and personal, the baseball bat gets the job done. Us? We prefer the Ancient Katana and chainsaw.

As for the bulk of the game, the developers broke Contract Killer Zombies 2 into bite-sized missions that mostly involve escorting bonehead non-player characters and fetching supplies. Not exactly the most thrilling objectives, but on the flip side, you should be more concerned with killing zombies. This being a freemium game, currencies involve cash and gold, the latter being increasingly difficult to come by. 

As expected, Glu makes the coolest weapons and gear the most expensive, thus bringing in-app purchasing into the equation. No need to spend additional money, but know this: the game grows exponentially more difficult the further you level up and progress. Eventually, that AR-19 Basic rifle won't get the job done against tougher foes, like the goop-spewing Thrower, and zombie-summoning Piper.


review of Pet Rescue Saga

Pet Rescue Saga is a funny game (free in 9game)may have a completely unoriginal game mechanic at its core, but likee most of King.com’s previous games, it is immaculately presented, highly playable and feels very player-friendly. 

The option to pay money for a better experience is there, but at no point will the player feel forced to do so — at least, not until they come across a particularly difficult level and run out of lives! The social features are well-integrated, too — leaderboards are always good for friendly competition — though it is a little pushy about sharing brag posts with friends when beating their score or passing them on the game’s world map. 

Those who are playing “solo,” however, will not run into this issue, as the game certainly does not repeatedly encourage them to invite friends or spam their Timeline with promotional posts.

startegy for clash of clans

Recently I'm in crazy about the game clash of clans(free in 9game)Now I want to share with you some tips about it.

I have compiled some Raiders on nine of the development of the road, including the formation, hitting, making money, building upgrades order, cup sections, etc., dedicated to advancing in nine of the players on the road, I hope to help you!

There are three days + 9, and boredom I figured eight full defense to nine full time on defense, not only to find I do not know an operator, in order to better and faster over a wall full of anti-double king or there are many to note.

After nearly two hours of calculation: eight of the nine full proof to the case of the full anti-double  full, totaling need a little more than 153 days, you need gold 187,810,000, 126,700,000 need holy water, you need to Blackwater 5,000,000, other need whitewashing Goldwater 1 billion.

Taking into account only the queen upgrade themselves constantly need 158 days more than the total number of 153, so they need to come up with a farmer responsible liter queen, king and the remaining four farmers liter buildings require a total of 152 days, and the king requires only 135 days, so without additional consideration, just as a general building upgrades on the line.

In 158 days of full anti-double king under full premise, we need each day in order to simultaneously Manqiang gold 1190000, holy 800,000, Blackwater 32,000 and 6,340,000 liters wall Goldwater. The total combined daily needs 8,330,000 Goldwater, 32000 Blackwater.

Calculated data is not our purpose, analytical applications is what we need, let's start the analysis:

Such a huge demand for resources especially Blackwater demand let us stop and look, but do not be too worried, these are just the ideal data, combined with the actual situation of each of us, we can give yourself more relaxed schedule daily amount of plunder , arrangements for farmers, in the shortest possible time, to reach our goal.

If every day you can plunder 2,000,000 Goldwater and 6000-8000 Blackwater, you congratulate you, 632 days later you will be able to at least double over the anti-king Manqiang, if every day you can plunder black 4,000,000 Goldwater and 12000-16000 of water, then 316 days later you will be able to fill a wall of anti full double king

Personal experience combined with current development and tribal members to rise to nine this, this is + 9, + 9 this and just nine players in advance of the mid Suggestions for reference purposes only. (Nine late have not saved later).

fist tip: queen do not stop. The reason has been explained above, the Queen take too long, even if you keep up, when you are full of anti-up, you will find that this girl is still very young. Queen rose as much as possible, never wrong.

second tip: Do not pull the king queen far. Although the time of King needs no more than the Queen, but from 10-30 also requires 135 days, and when you spend over 158 days to back up only to find the queen king even 135 days, you will not give yourself two slap it ! Kings can put back up, but can not pull the queen too far Oh, how far away it count? originally're just 23 days, and certainly can not exceed this number, the specific should be controlled within 15 days, it is probably two to three, because the Queen has been up, in fact, the King also been upgraded.

third tip: the bearded fat sister Seung later, the proposed high-rise glass segment. The reason is simple, as compared with the amount of 8,330,000 Goldwater days of looting, 32000 Blackwater even more headaches. Had suffered abuse at this early stage nine, rose to a high cup frenzy swept Blackwater is benevolent. There is a hidden reason, you can let us not worry too much about 8,330,000 Goldwater, that water can also be whitewashing, so it 8,330,000 you can only hit 1.19 million gold, but also can play only 800,000 of water, which you can meet the needs of building up, and the rest is used to paint the walls, gold is water, who control it, so l cup hitting is the key.

forth tip: leave a farmer to let you sleep more soundly. Our goal is full proof as possible while Manqiang, compared to the demand for 190 million liters of anti-gold and 130 million liters of water soldiers need 1 billion of whitewashing Goldwater is the top priority. I would occasionally leave farmers in the eight this whitewashing, another farmer in fast out of time, before you get it to use. So I can always put the brush down the wall, without fear of being hit others. Here reveal a little secret, according to my experience, in the long obstacle just came out, immediately cut chances explosive gems is the best, we tried tribal members are also very effective, you may wish to leave a farmers try.