
The dragon of Clash of Clans

In Clash of Clans, dragon  is the most used arms. Dragon tactics have three keywords: Split, shields, concentrating.

First: split

1. if you want to pit the dragon, the dragon is the best diversion, sub dragon array truth and anti-pig array is a reason.

To make four dragon-shaped outer back around, central air defense sit back, but the same array and anti-pig sacrificed to some extent on the ground resistance. Since the sub-array of advantages and disadvantages of the Dragon obvious loophole to lure people to leave with a dragon.

2. if not minutes long array, the building also has some sub-segments dragon effect, if no interval antiaircraft surrounding buildings connected but the four walls of the air defense was a wall around or stay neutral, no more words will be around long runaway buildings, sometimes we'll see two dragons coming up but not playing air defense air defense.

Second: the shield

Shield refers to high blood building antiaircraft ago. Must, necessarily, be sure to let Big and black tank play a role, followed by six library buildings away from the remaining non-anti-rocket, build a peripheral guide.

Big general antiaircraft rocket caught in the middle, the standard formation of three air defense around 120 degrees each Big, Big Three are within range air defense. Big single dragon attack to be 21 seconds or more, and air defense to kill the dragon to be 10 seconds, so the triangular array of air defense, playing Big Ben will have to lower violent.

Eight of the tribal warrior black outer tanks and air defense coverage placed outside the library, just like the League bias, is not qualified formation.

Third: concentrating

Antiaircraft rocket is the main air defense forces, but does not refer to three rocket concentrating concentration, if not long enough in advance diversion, three rockets near the same area but very dangerous.

Do not underestimate the firepower concentrated refers tower power tower, the tower of eight of the 65 attacks, six air defense is 230, there are tower near the air defense, air defense is almost equal to your rose 7 !!

Electrical tower overflow attack is also good and less, but unfortunately short-range, can hide Big edge when trying to knock Big Dragon discharge. In short, under the cover of the aforementioned high blood shield seeks maximum output, is the anti-Dragon Road.

Build the most favorable light spear not, even after hiding in the strongest shield. I measured before, four full blood fury dragon, even without considering the time required to move, there are also difficult to overcome Big League Long black tank and air defense protection of double double double tower power tower.

