
FIFA 14,a game be a part of your life

With mobile game being popular,people can’t waiting playing games every minute.For a growing number of people, myself included, EA Sports' goal of forcing FIFA 14 free into every gap in our lives has already been achieved. When I wake up I set player auctions on my phone. When I get to work I use the web app to check their progress. At lunchtime I play 2v2 with the guys from sales. When I get home I play a few online tournament games. On slow weekends I throw down some micro-transactions and build a new team. When I'm not doing that, I'm watching YouTubers. (I'm a particular fan of Itani's Five Pack Challenge.)
Ultimate Team is the key - a mode so good that it has become FIFA's most prominent, and so successful that it has propelled EA Sports' Andrew Wilson to CEO of the whole company. For anyone who has never tried it, Ultimate Team involves buying blind packs of cards, which represent players and consumables, and assembling a fantasy team with them. You then take part in tournaments and trade items with other players either in-game or using companion apps. Packs can be bought using in-game currency earned from trades and games played or by spending real money on micro-transactions. All the right licences and slick, gratifying gameplay keep it interesting for months.
Years, in fact. It's often said that people play football games all year round, but I played Ultimate Team in FIFA 13 pretty much until FIFA 14 arrived for review. EA introduces regular new tournaments that coax you into trying new players and team concepts, while special packs are released for sale during happy hour events and the contents of packs are refreshed with upgraded Team of the Week players, nicknamed 'in-forms', throughout the year that follows the game's release. They're rare to come by in packs and expensive on the transfer market, but even if I can't have the card myself, I can still enjoy the likes of IF Aubameyang vicariously through YouTube videos.
My advice for cheap success in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team? Go for a wide 4-2-3-1 and get your bids in early for Eljero Elia and Sidney Sam.
Ultimate Team is a brilliant set of ideas superbly executed, and FIFA 14 does nothing that is likely to break its stranglehold over its fans' time, having been tweaked in appealing but conservative ways. You can now play single matches against random online opponents, for example, and you can search for players by name (in-game at least - you can't in the support apps) and run quick price comparisons on items you want to trade. All are welcome additions, none is particularly exotic.
A bigger change is that formation cards are gone, meaning you can freely experiment with your team's formation without having to buy consumables that change each player's preferred set-up to match your new system. In their place we now have Chemistry Style cards, which boost a few of a player's key stats permanently, allowing you to turn your striker into a battering ram, for example, if that suits your approach.
Really, though, it's much the same mode, except everyone starts from scratch, unable to bring progress forward from FIFA 13. (EA Sports Season Ticket subscribers get a slight boost, at least, with a weekly gold pack and early digital access to the game.) Zeroing everyone's progress again might sound a little cheap in a mode that is clearly designed to extract cash over and above the game's cover price, but hi my name is Tom and I'm an addict.
Finally,I recommend you with the latest version of FIFA 14 9game.

