
What I think about SOULCALIBUR

Let's get one thing out of the way: Soul Calibur (which i download free from 9game)is the best 3D fighting game ever released in the arcades. Better than Virtua Fighter 3. Better than Tekken 3. If that weren't enough, the Dreamcast version one-ups the original arcade release in just about every way imaginable.

If you haven't played Soul Calibur, you need to. For sheer adrenaline working in tandem with eye-melting graphics, nothing could touch it. What then, does the Dreamcast version (Namco's first "real" game developed for archrival Sega in ages) of Soul Calibur do to leapfrog past its arcade counterpart in every way possible?

SOULCALIBUR - screenshot

Making good use of the Dreamcast's powerful Yamaha soundboard, Soul Calibur cranks out crystal-clear weapon effects, recorded at the highest sample rates. While certain effects lack some clarity, it's hardly as important as the metallic clanging you hear.

Other ambient sounds like footsteps take on a different tone depending on whether you're running on stone or wood. Voice samples are also extremely clear, currently spoken in robust Japanese. 

SOULCALIBUR - screenshot
The music is an appropriately medieval-sounding score, presumably recorded with a full symphonic orchestra. The numerous compositions have been written with a dynamically epic feel, although there are moments when the cacophony takes a backseat to quieter, more florid pieces.

