In Hay Day players begin with a small farm and a small allocation of game coins and gems. The coins can be used to purchase farm supplies and are also the form of payment received when goods are sold, either at the roadside stall, by filling orders or to visiting neighbours. The gems can be used to speed up the game. Gems are harder to obtain, generally being awarded when the player moves up a level or completes certain achievements. They can occasionally be won in games of chance.

A tutorial shows the player how to get started. The player must grow crops which can be sold and turned into animal feed or goods like bread. Animals can be bought- they must be fed and tended to collect eggs, milk etc. A bakery, dairy, sugar mill and more can be purchased with money earned. Some activities have long waiting periods until the goods are grown/produced.
Players can visit neighbouring farms to view their set up and purchase items. Some of the neighbouring farms are those of fictitious game characters. Others are the farms of other players (see below in Online player profile section for more detail on this).
There are many levels to progress through, each adding new items which can be purchased, accessed or produced.
This game requires the player to plan ahead, consider the best use of resources, monitor multiple activities, be patient and also allows creativity with farm design. It is educational and entertaining. The game can become quite engrossing – there can be a lot happening which could make it difficult for some to put the game down.
While the content is suitable for young players, they may require adult assistance to manage the more strategic aspects of the game.